Did Someone Say “Chocolate?”

Ah yes, I got the BIG invite.  The ONE I’ve been waiting for since this whole marriage proposal came about.

That’s right, Felicity and Jeff invited me to they’re cake tasting!

Truth be known, I actually sort of invited myself, but no need to focus on the minor details.

I was a good guest.  I didn’t push my favorites or make ugly faces when I didn’t agree.  It’s their wedding, after all.  But really, the cake was so good, there’s no way they could go wrong.  That’s thanks to the creative baking skills of Andrea Boudewijn at Superfine Bakery…she’s a confectionery artiste (and a real doll).

These flowers are made from sugar...believe it!

The best part is that this cake is going to be over-the-top beautiful.  Just listening to Andrea describe it and how she was going to construct it was fascinating.  Realizing that the delicate flowers that will adorn the cake will all be hand-made out of sugar amazes me.  Really, if you haven’t checked out her creations, you’ll be bedazzled.

I can’t wait to see it, taste it, and most of all, lick the plate afterwards.  Yum.  And Felicity will be able to keep the confections forever, provided her sugar tooth doesn’t drive her to devour them like hard candy under the dining room table.  (Note to Tina:  don’t let the caterers throw them away or you will be dead meat when they get back from their honeymoon.)

Cake…what’s your favorite flavor?

2 thoughts on “Did Someone Say “Chocolate?”

  1. Nicole says:

    YUM! Can’t wait!!! I’m sure felicity and Jeff really can’t wait! 🙂

  2. Jeff says:

    Tina the only thing sweeter than the cake was you! And felicity. Of course Andrea too. Oh heck, I’m on a roll here, I’ll throw my name into the ring too.

    The cakes from Superfine Bakery are indescribably excellent. In fact I don’t need to describe them because everyone will be pleasantly wolfing it down in just a few short days!!

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