So, What are You Wearing?

Seems to be the big question around these parts.   What does one wear to a $100,000 wedding??

There is so little we really know about this wedding, being as everything is being voted on, and the vendors are working to create a magical experience, which they’d like to keep somewhat of a surprise for Felicity and Jeff.  While I get their thinking, it does pose some problems for those of us expecting to show up and look like we fit into a grand affair.  I mean, this isn’t your typical jeans or a dress dilemma (not that I’d ever wear jeans to a wedding, even if I was in the wedding and that was the bride’s choice).

I already mentioned in a previous post that my girlfriends donned 2 outfits on my wedding day.  So, you can imagine what fun everyone is having picking out their fancy duds for this occasion.  I love hearing about the colorful ensembles, and of course the heels…the high, sparkly heels!

For My Pretty Little Toes

As for me, I will be in black.  Sparkling.  Platforms, of course.  Nothing too over-the-top, which for those of you who know me, was a challenge, but I know my place.   Truth is, I had to purchase 5 pairs of shoes to find just the right ones.  Unfortunately I had to send 4 of them back.

Ok, so I only sent back 3.

Make that 2 dresses, 3 pairs of shoes, and a bolero jacket.

In case you don’t know what I look like, keep an eye out for me on the wedding day.  I’ll be next to the lovely girl in white.  By the way, I’ve seen her dress, and it is beautifully unexpected.  I cannot wait to see her in it!

How about you?  What are/would you wear to a $100k wedding?

4 thoughts on “So, What are You Wearing?

  1. Quentin Crisp says:

    Where I’m from tradition dictates that for the wedding itself we wear britches and a shirt you might associate with the Nu-Romantic bands of the 1980s – Adam Ant and his ilk. A neckerchief is de rigeur, color usually selected to compliment the bridesmaids. Large buckles can be applied with Velcro these days, upgrading even the most basic tennis shoe for a special occasion. As there is a pool nearby for this wedding, I will include a Borat-style mankini underneath, just in case it all turns into a riotous pool-party event.

  2. Cousin Amy says:

    Well, since you asked…
    I have 3 dresses to try on tonight for my favorite and best critic, my husband. I wasn’t sure if this would be evening formal or beach resort-y but the bride has confirmed “evening formal”. How often does a soccer mom get to dress evening formal? I am so excited!

    My dear cousin Tina, let’s be honest you bought WAY more than 5 pair of sparkly wonderful shoes. Who are you kidding?!

  3. Paul says:

    Well my beautiful wife, I will be wearing exactly what you have put in the suit case for me to wear!!! I’m so lucky:)
    One more thing….where is that missing pair of shoe’s…did you forget to return them…or…

  4. i heart guys that wear pirate shirts says:

    @Quentin: wow…do you have a date for the wedding?!

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